Year 10 Catering & Hospitality Students Taste Army Life

Year 10’s Catering and Hospitality students were visited by the Army this morning as their cooking skills were put to the test using real Army ration packs.

The workshop began with a presentation on Army careers, focussing on the Royal Logistics Corp and what life is like being a Chef in the Army. Students learnt how the Royal Logistics Corp is the largest division of the Army, made up of 12 divisions, with one being Chef (Catering).

The class was then asked to demonstrate how they might operate in the field with 10-man ration packs. The challenge was duly accepted!

Racing against the clock, students produced some fantastic dishes with meatballs and chilli con carne featuring as well as other tasty delights.

When asked about Army careers, LCpl Ryan Goodwin, who is also a former Penrice pupil, said:

“Use your time in school wisely and gather as much information as you can about careers in the Army, including use of the Army Jobs website. This will help you to make an informed decision.”

Mrs Sainsbury, Catering Teacher, said:

“Today was an opportunity for our students to find out how the skills they are learning can be used in real career paths such as the Army. The Year 10s participated really well and were thoroughly engaged throughout the workshop.”