Year 11 Hub 5th February 2025 A Year 11 Spring Term communication has just been sent out to families. This can be accessed below. Year 11 Spring Term Communication (PDF: 4MB) Year 11 Exam Success Evening (New Date: Thursday 20th March) We are delighted to invite you to our Year 11 Exam Success Evening (moved from 12th/13th February). This is a fantastic opportunity to meet with families of our Class of 2025 as we enter the final exam stage of Year 11, and it would be hugely beneficial for you and your child to attend. During this event we will be discussing all elements of your child’s remaining time with us at Penrice including: How the summer exam season works (dates/boosters etc). How students can revise effectively in the final weeks before their exams. How families can best support their children. Specific information from subject experts for all examined qualifications, including revision workshops for Maths, English and Science. We have multiple resources to give out at the event to support your child’s revision. 31st January 2025 Well done to our Year 11s for their outstanding effort this month. They thoroughly deserved a small thank you this morning through some ‘Dedication Doughnuts’ and a short extension to their breaktime to celebrate their efforts and perseverance. Their attendance at Period 5s is over 95% and we have so far accumulated over 2,750 additional hours of learning which will have a hugely positive impact when they sit their final exams later in the year. Well done Year 11! 17th January 2025 Words by: Mrs Razzell Head of Year 11 Dear Year 11 Parents and Carers, Thank you for attending the Year 11 Progress Evening yesterday at Penrice. There was a real buzz and lots of positive engagement which was great to see. Your participation plays a vital role in helping students reach their full potential and we appreciate your commitment to your child’s education. We look forward to working together throughout the remainder of the academic year to ensure their continued success. Next up is the Exam Preparation Evening on Thursday 20th March*. Details of this event will be released shortly. We look forward to seeing you again soon. *Original date of 12th/13th February has been updated since original message. 10th January 2025 A great first week back for Year 11 who have hit the ground running with their Period 5 study sessions. A total of 722 additional revision/study hours have been completed by the year group this week during Period 5, with 96% attendance. 9th January 2025 Save the date! Year 11 Progress Evening will take place on Thursday 16 January 3.30 – 6.30pm. The Progress Evening is an opportunity for families to meet with the subject teachers who will be taking Year 11 students through to the completion of their qualification in each subject. They will discuss PPE results, what they mean and what can be done to ensure that your child has a successful conclusion to Year 11. We strongly encourage parents and carers to attend with their Year 11 child. Students who attend with their parents/carers will be entered into a prize draw to win a ticket to the Year 11 Ball. The prize draw will take place during assembly on Monday 20th January. Mrs Razzell, Head of Year, will be available during the evening if you would like to discuss anything with her. She will be based in the reception area throughout the evening. This Progress Evening precedes our Exam Preparation Evening which officially launches the final revision period on Wednesday 12 February. Details of this event will be released shortly. We look forward to meeting with you next week. 7th January 2025 Great to see so many full classrooms during this afternoon’s first Period 5 session for Year 11. We look forward to keeping up the positive momentum. It was also a memorable day for the year group as they collected their PPE results earlier in the afternoon, being allowed time to phone home and share news of their results with loved ones. 3rd January 2025 The Term Ahead – 2024-25 – Year 11 (PDF: 4MB) 20th December 2025 Well done Year 11, you did it – the ultimate test of endurance! Over £4,000 raised for charity! We are so proud of you! A great way to end the term. A special mention to the amazing Mrs Razzell (Head of Year), the dedicated pastoral support team and all staff who volunteered to help with this event, be it the 3pm shift or the 3am shift! Without your help, this event would not be possible. And finally, one big thank you to the generous community of donors who helped us raise this amazing amount! Just Giving Page 18th December 2024 In true Penrice tradition, our Class of 2025 started learning ballroom dancing this week in preparation for the Summer Ball – and we are blown away by their incredible progress! Thanks to Mr & Mrs Thomas and Ms Tighe for their wonderful dance tuition 6th December 2024 Our Year 11 students have been very busy over the past few weeks, sitting their Autumn Term PPEs. As part of this process, we also had the pleasure of hosting our Year 11 Parent Partnership Evening on 28th November which was a tremendous success. We know that working in three-way partnership between ourselves, students and parents is the best way to help our young people achieve and we hope that the event provided plenty of useful guidance for how we can all work together towards the same end goal. In the event that you would like to recap anything from the evening, Mr Ben Wright (Assistant Headteacher) has prepared a 7-minute summary video available below. 22nd November 2024 Our Year 11 students started their PPE (Pre-Public Examinations) this week with papers in Further Maths, English Literature, History, Geography and more. Their written exams will continue through until the 4th December before some final full-day examinations in Fine Art and Photography in the final weeks of term. The PPEs are an essential part of preparing students for their final summer exams, helping students to learn about effective revision techniques, overcoming exam nerves and identifying gaps in their knowledge that can be addressed over the next 6 months. We will continue our mission in this regard at next week’s Year 11 Parent Partnership Evening, where we will be working in close collaboration with parents and carers to share guidance, effective tools and techniques to support learning as well as essential information for the next stage of the Year 11 journey after Christmas. 2nd September 2024 The Year Ahead – 2024-25 – Year 11 (PDF: 9.5MB)