New Year 6 Students Begin Their Penrice Journey

A massive thank you to our wonderful new students and families who attended the Year 6 Welcome Day and Evening yesterday (Monday 3rd July).

Students started the day with an assembly and were introduced to Mr Darbourne who will be their Head of Year. They then attended two lessons in the morning before enjoying their chosen Penrice Plus Taster Activity! The sample activity options included Archery, Art Club, Chess and Board Games, Coding/Robtics, Drama Club, DT Club, Five-A-Side Football, Penrice Bake Off, Penrice Farm, and Rounders.

The day ended with our new Year 6 families visiting the school for a Welcome Evening, receiving lots of essential information from Mr Darbourne and the Senior Leadership Team.

Perfect Prefects

We must also say thank you to our newly-appointed Year 10 prefects who helped our Year 6 pupils throughout the day, representing the school with great enthusiasm whilst wearing their new prefect ties!

Some follow up communications will be sent over the next few weeks, including how to book a private welcome appointment with a member of our Senior Leadership Team and news of our Summer School provision (Tuesday 29th August to Thursday 31st August).

In the meantime, please be sure to complete our Data Capture Process (if you haven’t done so already) so that we have all of your child’s essential information and your family’s contact details ready for September. As always, all updates will be shared on the Transition Hub.

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