Welcome Day 2019


We are excited about meeting out next Year 7 during our two Welcome Days on 3rd/4th July!

The two days have been planned to give our new students a chance to get to know the school before the academic year begins in September.  They will have the opportunity to spend some time talking with their form tutors, visiting different parts of the school and taking part in several lessons. We feel this will make sure our new students are prepared for life in their new school.

Please note, there is no facility in school for children to buy food due to our Cashless Catering System.  Therefore, parents / carers will need to provide a packed lunch for both days.  Children will be given a carton of juice and a biscuit during the morning break

Prefects and staff will be available to meet students as they arrive on the Welcome Days and school transport companies have been advised to expect new students on their buses.  Students should arrive at the school for an 8.30am start and will leave at 2.55pm.

Our “New Parents’ & Students’ Evening” takes place on Thursday 4th July 2019.  The timings of the evening will depend on the ‘population’ of the tutor group:

The meetings with Senior Staff will start at the following times:

Population P will start at 5.00pm and finish at 5.30pm

7RW, 7LM, 7DW, 7RE, 7GS

Population R will start at 6.30pm and finish at 7.00pm

7WB, 7FS, 7AH, 7KW, 7LG

However, parents/ carers are welcome to arrive 30 minutes before the allocated times in order to meet your child’s tutor in their tutor room or to purchase school uniform from Screenprint.

The school uniform will be on display, including sportswear, and the uniform supplier, Screenprint, will be available to take uniform orders in the canteen from 4.30pm – 6.30pm.

Prefects will be waiting at the main entrance to guide year 6 to their tutor room.  Form tutors will be waiting to welcome new students and parents to Penrice. This is an ideal opportunity for parents / carers to meet with the tutor before the meeting with Senior Staff in the hall.  New students will then remain with their tutors whilst parents/carers are invited to the Main Hall.

We look forward to meeting all of our ‘New’ Year 7 cohort and beginning the five year journey through Penrice together.