Students Complete Ten Tors Challenge 2022

Huge congratulations to all 3 of our Ten Tors teams who successfully completed the 35-mile challenge this weekend!

Our determined students began training for the expedition at the start of the academic year and all of their hard work paid off as they navigated Dartmoor under the energy-sapping sunshine.

Ms Penrose, Ten Tors Leader at Penrice Academy, said:

“Congratulations! What a fantastic team effort under very difficult conditions with the sun being extremely hot.”

Mr Rogers, Ten Tors Assistant, added:

“Every student embodied the Penrice values – Pride, Respect and Success.
Pride – In themselves and representing the School in the Ten Tors Challenge
Respect – Respect for Team members and other participants in Ten Tors along with the challenge ahead of them.
Success – Achieving their goal of completing the Ten Tors Challenge.”

Well done to all of our students and a special thank you to all of the staff members who have contributed their time over the various weekends to make Ten Tors 2022 a successful event.

To find out more about Ten Tors at Penrice, visit the website page here.