Student Absence Please inform us of any student absence when relevant. Parents are used to informing us if their son or daughter is unwell and unable to attend by leaving a message on our answer phone (01726 72163). Parents can now also email us (preferably before 8.30am): The same information is required as for a telephone message: the student’s name, their Tutor Group, the reason for absence and their expected date of return. Government changes law on holidays and leave of absence in term time. The Government has changed the law on holiday’s in term time (Education act. The Government states that there is no right to a holiday in term time and has removed the phrase “up to 10 days holiday in special circumstances” from the Education Act 1996. The law now states that leave of absence may only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Penrice Academy policy states that exceptional circumstances include; a close relative has a serious or terminal illness or a court order recommends leave of absence. More details of exceptional circumstances can be found in the policy, found here. You must apply for exceptional leave of absence using the form below. If a parent takes a child out of school without permission they will be committing an offence under the Education Act 1996. Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school. Penrice Academy will refer the matter to the Education Welfare Service who may decide to prosecute. Parental Code of Conduct Parents of students at Penrice Academy should aim to support their children and the academy by: Ensuring their children to adhere to the Penrice Codes of Conduct and Dress Code Encouraging punctuality and regular attendance and communicating reasons for absence and lateness Checking and signing student planners on a weekly basis Communicating concerns and pre-arranging appointments to meet a member of staff in the academy Supporting college discipline procedures and honouring any contracts that may be made between the academy and individual students Attending relevant parents’ evenings and college functions whenever possible including appointments to review student monitoring exercises and to set targets for raising students’ achievement Responding to academy communications promptly Ensuring the safety of students on the academy site by supporting the broader life of the academy whenever possible, parking in visitors’ spaces near reception and, when keeping an appointment at the academy, always reporting to reception on arrival and completing visitor procedures. Resources to download Exceptional Leave Request Form (Word: 3.8MB) Exceptional Leave of Absence - Government Information (PDF: 158KB) Attendance Policy (PDF: 239KB)