SEND At Penrice we welcome everyone into our community. Penrice endeavours to make available inclusive provision to ensure that all pupils, including those pupils identified with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), can enjoy and benefit from a broad and balanced education with access to the National Curriculum at an appropriate level, so that they may achieve their full potential. Core Policies SEND Policy (PDF: 330KB)SEND Annual DSEN Report (PDF: 230KB)Penrice Academy School Offer (PDF: 152KB)Accessibility Plan (SEND) (PDF: 167KB)CELT Graduated Approach Policy (PDF: 187KB) SEND Team Structure Senior Team Mike Merelie SENDCo Sue Wakeling Operational SENDCo Amanda Davey Assistant to the SENDCo SEND Specialists Julia Coyle Year 7 SEND Specialist(Autism Champion) Ellie Bennetto Year 7 SEND Specialist Hannah Gill Year 8 SEND Specialist(Autism Champion) Elaine Hyland Year 8 SEND Specialist Amanda Chesterfield Year 9 SEND Specialist Clairann Foster Year 9 SEND Specialist Nina Richardson Year 10 SEND Specialist(Autism Champion) Kealeigh Bennett Year 10 SEND Specialist Dan Matthews Year 11 SEND Specialist Jackie Hatch Year 11 SEND Specialist Teaching Staff Imogen Hunter-Craig SEND Teacher and Reading/Communication Lead Lynn Frise SEND Teacher (Maths) Jon Scotland SEND Teacher (Maths) Martin Carter SEND Teacher and Reading Recovery Maria Ball Reading Recovery Teacher Other Key Staff Evans Thomas Inclusion Support Gemma Bentley Intervention Lead Jacky Sage SEND Link Governor Your SEND Team Mike Merelie – SENDCo ( The main purpose of my role is to monitor and manage the provision made for students with SEND. All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they: Achieve their best Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training. As part of my role at Penrice Academy, I oversee the work of the SEND team, as well as supporting students and their key workers by developing differentiated approaches to learning and general classroom practice. I work alongside subject teachers to ensure they are aware of an individual’s needs and can appropriately differentiate the curriculum, in order to ensure teaching and learning approaches are accessible. As a team, our aim is to manage the provision made for students with SEND and ensure the best support and interventions are put in place to enable students with SEND to make good progress whilst at Penrice Academy. Students with Special Educational Needs are given every opportunity to function successfully in both the learning and social environments of the school. We work together as a team and with the rest of the school to provide support and additional help for students where necessary. All staff have access to the Record of Need and student EHCPs outlining individual student needs and appropriate strategies to use within the classroom environment. At Penrice Academy the SEND team is made up of 17 experienced members of staff, comprising of an Operational SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo, Assistant to the SENDCo, 5 SEN Keyworkers across literacy and autism, 3 experienced SEND teachers and 5 1:1 SEN Teaching Assistants who support teaching and learning within the mainstream classroom. We offer a range of strategies, programmes and activities to support students who may find aspects of learning more challenging. The views of parents and carers are very important to us and we are keen to continue to develop home school partnerships to support our young people with SEND at Penrice Academy. By working together we aim to make your child’s experience of school a positive one, where they will flourish both pastorally and through exam success. Please contact the team if you have any concerns or would like to know more about our SEND provision at Penrice Academy. Sue Wakeling – Operational SENDCO ( or request via reception switchboard) The Learning Inclusion Centre (LIC) Marie Thomas – Head of the Learning Inclusion Centre ( Cornwall’s Local Offer Cornwall’s Local Offer is an information point for families of children and young people with special educational and disabilities (SEND). Find out what services are available and how to access them. For example: The Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessment and planning process Support for young people preparing for adulthood Education, health and social care Childcare And much more, including a range of services from within the public, private and voluntary sectors SEND Transition Booklet – September 2022 (PDF: 146KB)Cornwall SEND Local Offer (PDF: 74KB)Visit the Local Offer Website