
Students and staff at Penrice can purchase food and drinks from the two service points in the school canteen as well as two outside catering huts (located in the Y7 & Y11 student yard areas). 

The catering from each service point is provided by Chartwells and these areas are open to purchase food and drink during morning and lunch break.

The school also offer a morning ‘Meet & Greet’ from 8-8:30am, where students can pick up a piece of fruit and/or cereal bar on their way into school, from in front of the school library area. 

Penrice Academy utilises a Cashless Catering system which means items are purchased from the canteen or huts from credit on the individual’s account using either biometrics or a pin-number. Further details about the cashelss catering system can be found here

The Catering Menus

The canteen sells a range of meals, savoury and sweet snack items and drinks, including a range of meal deal options and a rotating menu of daily specials. 

Meal Deals for 2024/25 are as follows:


Find below the latest catering menus which rotate week by week as well as the tariff for 24/25:


Pop Up Menus

Chartwells also run a variety of themed menu days through the year, where some special menus are available for one day only, perhaps to celebrate an event or culture. Some examples of upcoming themed days are available below (click images to expand):

Free School Meals (FSM)

If your child is entitled to Free School Meals an allocation of £2.75 will automatically be added to their cashless catering account each day for them to spend in the canteen, just like any other child going through the canteen. Any unspent funds from the day’s £2.75 allocation will disappear at the end of the day so students are encouraged to make use of their allowance each day.

There are a range of Meal Deals available for £2.75 to enable a student to get a complete lunch with their FSM entitlement. Details of these can be seen above. Please note though that if a student spends some of their £2.75 at morning break they may not then end up with enough left to purchase a meal at lunch time. The meal deals do offer a significant saving over buying the items individually and so offer the most food for the money. The tariff can be viewed above to help guide spending. 

If your child does not currently receive Free School Meals you can find out more about eligibility and apply here

Dietary Requirements

Dietary requirement information held on the schools records is shared with the till system to enable this information to be displayed to the till operator when serving the child. The canteen team may use this to prompt a child to consider their dietary requirements and choices and may refuse to sell an item to a child if they fear it is counter to the child’s dietary requirements. The system won’t though specifically identify if an item being purchased contains a relevant allergen and so the canteen team can only offer limited support and can’t take responsibility for managing a child’s dietary requirements. Students are therefore required to self-manage dietary requirements and allergens when accessing the canteen.   Full ingredient and allergen information is held by the catering team for all items and meals available from the canteen, and a student can ask in the canteen to look through or refer to this information folder at any time. If a student needs further support accessing the information and navigating the canteen system please contact and we will support however we can. We can arrange for ingredient and allergen information to be made available for parents/carers to view with their child, so please get in touch if this would be helpful.