Safer Internet Day 2019

‘Safer Internet Day: Together for a better internet’

Safer Internet Day 2019 took place this Tuesday 5th February, with the theme of the importance of consent and choice.

The theme encourages young people to work together to be positive, safe and respectful online, empowering them to take control of their digital lives and consider how consent works in an online context.

SID strives for a better internet for all, focusing greatly on how young people interact with social media. It explores how young people ask for, give and receive consent online. This could be in their friendships or relationships, how they take and share images and videos or how they manage their privacy and data.

The day highlighted that everyone has a choice when it comes to social media – what accounts you use, what photos you post, and what you receive. Students also discussed the danger of posting and receiving certain types on content, and how easy it is to ‘go viral’ on the internet without consent. They took part in workshops discussing scenarios where they haven’t given consent online and times when they haven’t felt completely safe.

Mrs Stevens said: “Even though this is a worldwide initiative, the issue of safety on the internet is paramount for us as a school and the young people who attend Penrice. Having open and honest dialogue really is the best way to address these issues”

“I would just like to say a huge thank you and well done to our students for embracing the day, especially our Be Strong Online team who were instrumental in sharing ideas and advice with our younger students.”

Pictured: Members of the Be Strong Online team