New Arrivals on the Penrice Farm

We have two new arrivals on the Penrice Farm! Meet Bert and Ernie, the pygmy goats.

These two old boys have moved over from the Bodmin College Farm for their retirement with us.

As we approach the end of the academic year, Miss Harding also wishes to share the following message with students:

Miss Harding, Farm Manager:

“I wanted to say thank you to all students in our Farm Team for their hard work this term. The students come to every lesson with enthusiasm and determination. Rain or shine, their hard work, respect and teamwork keep our farm looking smart and our animals with the best welfare. I can’t wait to welcome the new group of students to the farm in September!”

Where Next?

Miss England Visits Penrice to Promote CPR

Green Team Supporting Make Space for BEES Project

41 Students Have Their Work Published