Are you OK? If you are worried about something that affects you, or a friend, please click on the type of concern you wish to report or get support with below. At Penrice Academy, we want to ensure that all of our students feel happy and safe at all times. If you are a student or know of a student that would benefit from addition support, please complete one of the following forms. Once the form is complete, this will notify our pastoral team and they will action any necessary support. Student Support Request Form Bullying Form Completion Guidance The ‘Student Support Request Form’ can be used to report anything including Mental Health Support Safeguarding Issues Harmful Sexual Behaviours Illicit Substances Struggles In and Out of School Or anything else you feel you need support with The ‘Bullying Incident Report Form’ is to report any occurrences of bullying, either in school, out of school, or online. Finally, please remember that the Student Family Centre is always open for students during school hours if you need to talk to someone.