Mathematical Success at the United Kingdom Maths Trust Online Junior Challenge 2020! One hundred of our fantastic mathematicians across Year 7 and Year 8 participated in the Challenge after successfully qualifying earlier this year. We were delighted to receive news that 43 students have been awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates. A superb achievement in last terms lockdown circumstances. Congratulations to our winners below and thank you to everyone who participated in the Challenge. A special mention has to go out to Andrianna in Year 8 who becomes our first female winner of the prestigious ‘Best in School’ award for many years. Well done Andrianna! It has been great to see that the hundreds of hours you have dedicated to working through the videos and quizzes on Hegarty Maths completely independently is starting to pay off. Well done Year 7 and Year 8. We look forward to many more successes next year.🏆🏆🤩👏👏