Penrice Students Experience Youth Election

Tuesday 20th February marked voting day for Penrice students as children across the UK were encouraged to ‘Make Their Mark’. Year group by year group, they visited the Assembly Hall to cast their vote for the next member of Youth Parliament. There were four candidates standing to represent the Newquay and St Austell constituency.

The Assembly Hall was set up to represent a full example of what to expect in a polling station when Penrice students reach adult voting age later in life. As each group of students queued to enter the polling station, they listened to a brief but powerful message about the importance of democracy and how people in other countries do not get to have their voices heard in equal measure.

We are immensely proud that every individual had the opportunity to experience democracy at work as we embraced the occasion. This initiative provided our young leaders with a platform to voice their opinions on matters that affect their lives and their community. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn about democracy and the impact of collective decision-making, particularly as we are in a general election year.

VIP Visitor

Thank you to Councillor James Mustoe for visiting in the morning to mark the occasion and talk to our students about the voting processes in the UK.

Mrs Stevens
Head of Culture, Life and Society Studies (CLASS)

“What a fantastic day, not just seeing democracy in action but seeing our Year 8 poll station supervisors totally own the task they were set. The interaction and respect between years was brilliant. The whole day could not have been done without them and the enthusiasm shown by our other students when casting their votes.

I was also really grateful, as were the students, to have Councillor Mustoe on hand to enhance the whole experience. Thanks must also go to our fabulous student team who oversaw the ballot boxes today!”

Penrice wishes all four Youth Parliament candidates the best of luck and we look forward to hearing the results in the near future.

Where Next?

Year 9 Enjoy Apprenticeships Field Trip

Anticipation Rises for Oliver JR!

Edie in Year 9 Wins National Young Writers’ Competition