How We Handle Snow

Is snow really that good?

By Ben

Snow can be very fun, but people do not always acknowledge the other side of the story.

On the days of heavy snowfall during March, students across the country got some extra days off when schools decided to close; whole days for making snowmen, sledging and duvet days watching films. However, what people do not realise was there was also up to 10 snow related deaths that occurred during these days of “fun,” including a 7-year-old girl in Cornwall called Maisie Duncan. Maisie was fatally injured as the result of a car trying to drive in the snow, even after a yellow warning was issued.

But the bad effects didn’t just stop there. On another occasion in Cornwall, 100+ plus cars were left stranded on a hill in Helston leaving the whole road unusable.

On the first of March a farmer had to throw away 8000 liters of milk because trucks could not drive in the heavy snow and collect the milk. This is one of the many problems people can occur when snow falls and the whole community is put in a stand still.

I asked a Year 7 student on their perspective of the snow:

Ben: Did you enjoy the snow?

Reuben: Yes, because we haven’t seen snow in years and it’s good to see it again.

Ben: Should drivers be charged for driving in heavy snow?

Reuben: No, if they put more grit on the roads they can drive better

Ben: Is there any way to stop fatal crashes on the road in heavy snowfall?

Reuben: No, just don’t drive on the road in times like that

Ben: What should the consequences be for drivers who insist on putting others in danger?

Reuben: My opinion of the snow is that drivers who cause a crash when a snow weather warning is issued should be charged because this means it is very dangerous driving conditions and are likely to cause a fatal crash.

Overall, the snow can cost the UK millions of pounds because it causes disruption to work and school, transport and, is ultimately, dangerous for individuals.