Feature: Our Mount Edgcumbe Project

Our Reporters Andrianna, Louis and Oliver catch up with Jane from Mount Edgcumbe following our weeks of fundraising for Cornwall Hospice Care.

Bring It Home for Mount Edgcumbe

Here at Penrice, we believe that doing our bit and raising money for charity is vital and this year we’re helping our local community by supporting Mount Edgcumbe Hospice, so far raising £6500.

We interviewed Jane, the Community Fundraiser for Mount Edgcumbe, asking her all about fundraising and how Penrice’s efforts are being used to help the Hospice. You can watch our interview below.

Mount Edgcumbe Hospice has been providing for patients in the area for 39 years and is a place for the terminally ill; patients suffering from cancer to neurological diseases. The Hospice aims to provide a serene environment surrounded by picturesque views and supportive staff. The staff there are committed to ensuring that their patients’ needs are fulfilled and believe that being in an environment that is more informal and closer to home has a better affect, psychologically, on the patient. As Jane, says: “it’s nicer to look at squirrels playing and birds singing than it is to stare at a dull building out of a hospital window.”

Mount Edgcumbe believe that the patients are important – but so are the patients family. This Hospice cares for the patient’s family by giving them the care that they need, even if it is just having a talk or a hand massage – or just a cup of tea.

Click here, for a deeper look into Mount Edgcumbe, featuring Penrice students.

How are Penrice fundraising?

So far, each year group have organised an event that would raise money for charity. The Year 7s held a fabulous Christmas fair with a wide variety of stalls and games and raised £538 for Mount Edgcumbe. In Year 8, each tutor group took turns in hosting bake sales which were a massive success across the school and raised £700. The Year 9s did a Christmas quiz and raised £232 and the 11s completed their annual ‘24 Hour Challenge,’ an outstanding event where students gain sponsorship to stay up all night in school completing physical activities like “Just Dance” and rowing machines.

So what’s next?

On the 22nd March Y10 have organised a Fun Run. We spoke to Mr Sutcliffe, Head of Year 10 and co-ordinator of the event. He said that this year’s Fun Run is going to make at least £1000 and that the whole of Year 10, as well as other year groups across the school, are participating. This charity event will cost £2 and, of course, all money will go to Mount Edgcumbe Hospice.

Interview with Jane