Emergency Closure In the unlikely event of storm damage or bad weather (snow) forcing the Academy to close, the following procedure will be taken: Closure before Academy begins (ie overnight or before 8am): We will send a text and an email to all parents who have registered their correct information with us. Information will appear on the website, usually as a prominent pop-up on the homepage. Information will be posted on social media. This will appear on our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Any students who reach the Academy will be turned back unless they have no safe place to return to. In the case that they cannot return, parents/carers will be informed and the student looked after. Closure during the Academy day: We will use the text system for those parents/carers who have registered a valid number with us. Information will appear on the website, usually as a prominent pop-up on the homepage. Messages will go out on social media (Facebook and Twitter). Students will be sent home if they have a safe place to return to. Any student who cannot return home, will be looked after at the Academy until the parents/carers can be contacted. We assume most students can make their way home and gain access to a safe, warm place, usually your child’s home or that of a friend or relative, if the Academy closes during the day. Resources to download School Emergency Closure - Parents' Guide (PDF: 98KB) Emergency Closure - Letter to Parents (PDF: 164KB)