
Year 8’s Morning Mile

Since the start of the summer term, all students in Year 8 at Penrice have been completing a mile walk during tutor time on a Friday morning. Known as the Friday Morning Mile, the event sees the whole Year Group congregate in pairs of tutor groups to walk the perimeter of the field, which works out at roughly… Read more »


Out of this World Science

On Friday 11th May 2018, the Penrice Academy Science Department and Years 7, 8 and 9 welcomed a very exciting guest –  Mike Grocott from the National Space Centre. Mike’s team have been sponsored by PPG to present some chemistry masterclasses in schools. Year 7s Freya and Evie report “We had an experience that was… Read more »


Interview: MasterChef’s Kate Attlee

Kate went to Penrice from 1999 to 2003 and was Head Girl in her last year. She recently starred on BBC MasterChef where she reached the Quarter Finals! The Media Team’s Sam caught up with Kate on Twitter for School Report. Hi Kate, I’m Sam from Year 8! Thanks for talking to me for School… Read more »


Upcoming: Romeo and Juliet

by Molly and Tia Pictured: Erin and Jude, two members of the cast. Today we interviewed some of the Romeo and Juliet cast to see how they are coping with the new play. Edie, Sadie and Ebony were all interviewed and said: “It was very hard at the start to learn the words as it’s… Read more »


Gun Safety: Saving lives at Penrice

One news topic on everyone’s minds recently is the school shooting in Florida.             On February 14th 2018, a mass shooting occurred at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida. 19 year old Nikolas Cruz (a former student of the school) carried out the attack with a semiautomatic rifle. Seventeen school students were killed and fourteen… Read more »


BBC School Report 2018

This week our Student Reporters tackle a huge question: Why might American schools have to give training in using weapons, while schools in the UK teach staff how to save a life? We learn more about our Mini Medics Programme and our defibrillator, explore the place of women in society in 2018 and speak to… Read more »

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